Apple Releases visionOS 1.0.2 Update Two Days Before Vision Pro Launch


Apple has released the visionOS 1.0.2 update just two days before the highly anticipated launch of the Vision Pro headset. This update follows the previous version, visionOS 1.0.1, which was released last week. While there is no specific information on what is included in the 1.0.2 update, it is known to address a WebKit vulnerability that Apple has stated may have been actively exploited. Review units of the Vision Pro headset are currently in the hands of members of the media, who will be able to download and install this update. The update is expected to be available on Vision Pro headsets right out of the box on the launch day. It is also speculated that a visionOS 2.0 update with new features will be unveiled at WWDC 2024 in June.

Apple Releases visionOS 1.0.2 Update Two Days Before Vision Pro Launch

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In anticipation of the upcoming release of the Vision Pro headset, Apple has released the visionOS 1.0.2 update. This article will provide an overview of the update and its significance, as well as cover the background of Apple’s visionOS software and the Vision Pro headset. Additionally, it will discuss the webkit vulnerability addressed in the update, the availability of the update on new Vision Pro headsets, and the potential release of visionOS 2.0.


Apple’s visionOS software is a crucial component of their augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) devices. It provides the necessary framework for running AR and VR applications, as well as optimizing performance and enhancing the user experience. The Vision Pro headset, set to be released on February 2, is Apple’s latest venture into the AR and VR market. With groundbreaking features and advanced capabilities, the Vision Pro headset is highly anticipated by both technology enthusiasts and industry professionals.

Prior to the release of the visionOS 1.0.2 update, Apple had already rolled out version 1.0.1 of the visionOS software. This previous update brought essential bug fixes and improvements to the operating system, setting the stage for the successful launch of the Vision Pro headset.

Release of visionOS 1.0.2 Update

On January 31, Apple released the visionOS 1.0.2 update, just two days before the scheduled launch of the Vision Pro headset. This timing indicates Apple’s commitment to ensuring a seamless and optimized experience for users of their latest AR and VR device. The release of visionOS 1.0.2 indicates that Apple is continuously working to enhance the functionality and performance of their visionOS software.

Developer Nicolás Álvarez acknowledged the release of visionOS 1.0.2 in a post on X, a platform where developers frequently discuss software updates and share insights. However, the specific details of the update’s contents have not been disclosed by Apple, leaving users curious about the improvements that have been made.

Review Units for Vision Pro

In preparation for the launch of the Vision Pro headset, Apple has distributed review units to members of the media. These review units allow journalists and technology influencers to experience the device prior to its availability to the general public. With the visionOS 1.0.2 update being released just before the launch, reviewers will have the opportunity to download and install the update on their devices. This availability of the update on review units ensures that the early feedback and reviews will be based on the most up-to-date version of the software, enabling a more accurate assessment of the Vision Pro headset’s capabilities.

Webkit Vulnerability Addressed

One of the notable improvements in the visionOS 1.0.2 update is the addressing of a WebKit vulnerability. Apple has stated that this vulnerability may have been actively exploited, highlighting the importance of the update for users’ security. By fixing this vulnerability, Apple is ensuring that Vision Pro headset users have a secure and protected experience while using the device. It is worth noting that the same vulnerability was also addressed in the visionOS 1.0.1 update for developers. However, for those updating from visionOS 1.0, the fix is now included in visionOS 1.0.2. This demonstrates Apple’s commitment to maintaining a robust and secure operating system for their AR and VR devices.

Availability on New Vision Pro Headsets

With the release of the Vision Pro headset on February 2, the visionOS 1.0.2 update will be immediately available on new devices right out of the box. This ensures that users will have the latest version of the software from the moment they start using their Vision Pro headsets. By providing immediate access to the update, Apple is offering enhanced security and a seamless user experience for new owners of the device.

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Anticipated visionOS 2.0 Update

Looking towards future developments, it is anticipated that Apple will release visionOS 2.0 at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in 2024. This major update is expected to bring new features and improvements to the visionOS software, further enhancing the capabilities of the Vision Pro headset. As the AR and VR industry continues to evolve and new technologies emerge, the visionOS 2.0 update will play a crucial role in keeping Apple at the forefront of innovation in this space. Vision Pro users, in particular, can look forward to exciting advancements in their device’s functionality and performance through this upcoming update.


In conclusion, Apple’s release of the visionOS 1.0.2 update showcases their dedication to providing the best possible experience for users of the Vision Pro headset. By addressing a WebKit vulnerability and ensuring its availability on new devices, Apple is prioritizing the security and satisfaction of their customers. Additionally, with the anticipated release of the visionOS 2.0 update at WWDC 2024, Apple is demonstrating their ongoing commitment to innovation and improvement in the AR and VR industry. As users eagerly await the launch of the Vision Pro headset, the visionOS 1.0.2 update provides a glimpse of the exciting future developments that lie ahead.

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